Don't forget John Boykin's Running Camp next week, 5pm nightly at South Vineland Park

Monday, July 26, 2010

Camp Schedule

Monday - Schalick Coach Steve Pierangeli will talk about keys to approaching the fall season. We will do a long run through the woods.

Tuesday - We will do a fartlek ("speed play") workout. Ultimate Frisbee on the beach.

Wednesday - Rowan Coach Ringo Adamson will talk about biomechanics (running form) and we will video record everyone in action. We will be doing a long run and stride drills.

Thursday - Coach Jamie Bagley will talk about 4 keys to RECOVERY. We will do a 1k Threshold Workout.

Friday - Coach John Boykin will talk about nutrition. An 30 minute easy run. Setting goals for the fall season. Ultimate Frisbee on the beach.

Saturday - Meet at 8am. Run a 5k for time.